Case Study: Dynamic KPIs That Move With You

Spend less time searching for insight and more time acting on it.

BI Matrix

Your best managers and reps should be focused on growing the business, not calculating and re-calculating the same reports month after month. 

AG Customized Intelligence reports are automatically updated and dynamic, allowing instantaneous drill-down to a single transaction or customer. Additional tools such as multi-source data blending and automatic data alerts ensure that no data slips through the cracks.  

The next time opportunity presents itself, your team will be ready to act and win.

Precision KPIs

  • Standard sales trend with leader board.
  • Alternate performance indicators such as unique items sold and demos completed.
  • Custom rep scorecard based on demos completed, cross-sale earnings, and goal achievement.
  • Sales by category and time trends 
Measure every KPI in one dashboard – from general sales to precision metrics like unique sku count. Paired with a commission/bonus model the entire compensation program will run automatically and without mistakes!

Roll up individual performance to company leader boards.

Measure any combination of data to see data in a new light.

General Variance